Santa Clara U. Home Page
CENG 141
Fluids/Hydraulic Engineering
    course schedule Homework Class policies and miscellaneous notes  

Class Policies, etc.:

Missed Homeworks and Exams:

Late homeworks will not be accepted unless a prior arrangement has been made with me. Please do not ask for exceptions to this, unless you have the most grave of excuses. Likewise, make-up exams will only be given if prior arrangements have been made with me.

Required Homework Format:

Appealing a Homework or Exam Grade:

If you disagree with the grade you received for a homework or exam, please bring it to my attention. The method for doing this is to draft a memo (see example for format), attach your homework to the memo (with a paperclip or staple), and deliver it to me. Communicating in clear written format is a good habit to develop.


Since answers are provided for most of the problems in the book, any homework problem showing the correct answer with significant logic and/or math errors will be given zero credit for the entire problem set. Similarly, any cheating on an exam will result in a zero for the exam, with possible further repercussions. Although dishonest classwork is, in my experience, rare, following SCU policy, I will take this very seriously.

This raises the larger issue of academic integrity. The Undergraduate Bulletin states "[SCU] is committed to a pursuit of truth and knowledge that requires both personal honesty and intellectual integrity as fundamental..." The flip side of this, adademic dishonesty, is a violation of the SCU Code of Conduct as stated in the Community Handbook. The Office of Student Life has compiled some illuminating statistics on cheating by students on homeworks and exams. With the pressure to succeed, the possibility of suffering an ethical lapse can be strong, even while knowing the strong consequences. If you find yourself reaching this level of desperation, please consider the effects of cheating on your classmates, the academic atmosphere, and your own ability to take pride in your accomplishments. I am always open to discussing any issues, and I would encourage you to take advantage of the great support staff and networks on campus.