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CENG 140
Water Resources Engineering
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This page contains files, spreadsheets, or other materials that are supplements to the textbook, class material, and homeworks. Click on the title to download the file. Some of these may require a password to open, which I will supply in class.

NRCS Watershed delineation handout

Maximum Observed Precipitation

Double Mass Curve examples: USGS Report (see Figs 13-15); 2002 Adelye and Montaseri article (Figs 1 & 2); 1969 Ogden article (Fig 2)

Lab Write-Up Format; Grading Rubric; Student Peer Evaluation Form

Sankasubramanian and Vogel paper

NRCS (SCS) 24-Hour Dimensionless Rainfall Distributions

Example of peak flow frequency analysis using log-normal and log-Pearson III

Santa Clara County Precipitation (ArcGIS Map Package)

ASCE Penman-Monteith equation for evapotranspiration; FAO Pub 56: Crop evapotranspiration

USGS publications on streamflow measurement: Gauging/Velocity-area Method; Dilution Method

Example of precipitation frequency calculation (spreadsheet)

3-cycle log-normal probability paper sample sheet

DPlot Add-in Instructions for Excel 2010; DPlot Add-in installation instructions for older Excel versions

Spreadsheet on Unit Hydrographs

Midterm Equation and Supplemental Sheets

FHWA HEC-11, Design of Riprap Revetment (excerpts); California Bank and Shore Protection Design Manual (excerpts)

Guadalupe river flood control project summary; link to Guadalupe River Park Flood Control History

Article: Reedy Creek Cleanup, T. Parece and H,. Aspaas

Curve Number Tables

Article "Three Basins, Many Benefits" by J. Rupp, Civil Engineering, May 2009

Cadillac Desert reading sheet

Interpolation in Excel

Final Exam Supplemental Equation Sheets