Professor of Electrical Engineering · Associate co-Dean for Mission, Culture and Inclusion
Heafey 240 · ☎ (408) 554-2394 ·

Aleksandar Zecevic

Unknowable Reality: Science, Mathematics and Mystery

Bannan Institute: What Good Is God

January 28, 2014

Video courtesy of the Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education.

This lecture addresses the way modern science portrays physical "reality", and highlights some key differences between the current paradigm and the more intuitive (but ultimately incorrect) Newtonian world view. The fact that complex processes are characterized by a mix of order and irreducible uncertainty suggests that the notion of a Cosmic Mystery is not at odds with recent scientific discoveries (quite the contrary, in fact). This recognition opens the door to a constructive dialogue between science and religion, which is capable of transcending the simplistic arguments of religious fundamentalists and proponents of radical secularism.

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